9 JAN 2019

HKDSE & GCE A-Level Information Evening (F.3 & F.4)

On Thursday 3rd January, parents and students attended an Information Evening at the school to find out more about the HKDSE, IGCSE and GCE A-level curricula. Our Principal, Mr. Dion Chen, introduced the two streams – the Hong Kong Stream (HKDSE) and the International Stream (IGCSE + GCE A-level) to Form 3 students and their parents. He explained the advantages of both streams and advised parents and students to assess their suitability for a particular stream. He added that both qualifications are well recognized locally and worldwide for university applications.


Form 4 students and their parents joined another session run by the Head of International Curriculum, Mr. Andrew Higgins. He explained the process for students to apply for GCE A-levels and the procedures for applying to change streams when students go to Form 5 the next year.


As a general guide, the school recommends the Hong Kong Stream for students who are sure that they will continue their studies in Hong Kong and the International Stream for students who plan to study overseas. The main reason for this is that 80% of the university places in Hong Kong are allocated to students who have studied the local curriculum.


Following the presentations, parents and students had the opportunity to visit subject booths and ask questions about the various HKDSE and GCE A-level subjects on offer. A lot of parents and students visited different booths to get more information about the two streams and how to succeed in them. They also met the Career and Higher Education Counsellors and received advice from them.


Form 3 and Form 4 parents and students are highly encouraged to discuss the designated options together and submit the application form on or before the following deadlines.

  • Applications from Form 3 students for the Hong Kong Stream (HKDSE) or the International Stream (IGCSE + GCE A-level) are open until Wednesday 13th February.
  • Applications from Form 4 students for the International Stream (GCE A-level) are open until Monday 11th February. Students not currently studying in the International Stream will also need to apply to switch streams. Similarly, students not currently studying in the Hong Kong Stream will also need to apply to switch streams if they wish to study the HKDSE curriculum in Forms 5 and 6.